Crypto Business card

The card offers an easy way for ADS Plus Agents
to pay for expenses required for your business activities.

The Sky's The Limit

Shop with Ease
Anywhere, Anytime

With ADS Plus Card, enjoying hassle-free payments at your favorite merchant stores is as simple as a swipe or a tap.

Apply for your card

Fill the following form to apply for your virtual ADS Plus Business Card

frequently Asked Questions

There’s a 5% fee charged on deposits. Transaction costs may vary based on the point of sale (PoS), with processing fees up to €0.20 per transaction. Additionally, spending in a currency other than the Euro may incur foreign exchange costs.

You can use the card without any restrictions virtually anywhere in the world, both for in-store and online shopping.

Yes, the ADS Plus Business Card can be effortlessly linked to both Apple Pay and Google Pay, providing you with the flexibility to make secure and convenient payments using your preferred digital wallet.

There are no minimum or maximum deposit limits.

The card will always remain in your account within the application, and the balance can be reloaded multiple times.

Funds can be deposited using USDT or USDC on the Ethereum network (ERC-20).